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Pauline Boyenga Bofala (Browncoffeemoka) is a sensitive, conscientious and mystical artist who is passionate about art history, history, ethnology, culture and spirituality. She is inspired by different forms of art (like photography, sculpture, literature, fine art, craftsmanship) with care for the environment being absolutely central to her work.
Browncoffeemoka prepares recycled materials to create her canvas. Her philosophical outlook is for nature, the universe and humankind to be in harmony for there to be beauty and peace throughout the world. Her works of art illustrate the energies and vibrations around her, as she creates sacred, sustainable content to uplift and empower.
Browncoffeemoka comments “creation is a meditation”.
After a year studying decorative art in Versailles, her creative approach evolved and flourished into impulsive paint stroke work and academic paintings. She now defined herself as a fine and decorative artist.
Browncoffeemoka uses natural materials such as pencil, pen, charcoal, chalks, gouache and oil paints to create wallpapers, decorated pannels and objects, drawings and paintings.
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